The long journey of bottle no.71645

December 12, 2024

The long journey of Bottle No. 71645

A Maine resident rediscovers a WHOI drift bottle, 56 years after it was deployed to study ocean currents

WHOI vehicles go to extreme sides of the globe

WHOI vehicles go to extreme sides of the globe

Missions in Greenland & American Samoa support research under ice & along deep-sea volcanoes

Image of the week: All aboard Alvin's sleigh!

Image of the week: On Meso, on Orpheus, on REMUS! 🎅🏻

Led by Alvin's sleigh, WHOI celebrates the “depths of holiday traditions” in local Christmas parade

The Boston Globe

Radioactive waste from Pilgrim plant dumped in Cape Cod Bay would likely remain, researchers say

Popular Science

New predator uncovered 25,000+ feet under the Pacific


Our changing coastline

ABC Australia

Satellite images reveal the total collapse of the Conger-Glenzer ice shelf in East Antarctica


Dolphins spotted in Piscataqua River able to make it back to ocean

Where are WHOI Ships Now?
