Oceanus Ocean In Motion: How the ocean's complex physics defines life on our planet

November 14, 2024

Ocean in motion

How the ocean’s complex and chaotic physics defines life on our planet

WHOI names Diane Foster Vice President for Academic Programs and Dean

WHOI names new VP of Academic Programming

Diane Foster, former director of UNH's Center for Ocean Engineering, joins WHOI as dean

Deep ocean clues to a million-year-old Ice Age puzzle revealed in new study

Deep ocean clues to an ancient Ice Age puzzle

A new WHOI-led study sheds light on how changes in the deep ocean impacted a critical climate transition

BBC Wildlife

This manatee was just tagged in Brazil – what happened next stunned everyone

AP News

New research highlights marine biodegradability of Eastman Aventa™ compostable materials


Can AI stop ships from killing thousands of whales each year?

Where are WHOI Ships Now?
