This year has been a busy one for the National Deep Submergence Facility. We saw the first science cruise take place using Alvin with its new deep-diving capabilities led by Dr. Lisa Levin (SIO), the publication of the first paper from data collected during the 2022 Alvin Science Verification Expedition, the exploration of Vailulu’u in American Samoa by AUV Sentry alongside ROV Hercules, and a record number of Jason dives made in support of the Regional Cabled Array. While this newsletter will bring you up to date on what NDSF has been up to this year, there also are many things in the future to be aware of:
We are excited to announce that NSF has funded the development of a medium-scale ROV (mROV), which we expect to be available for the science community in 2026. This will add an entirely new capability to the facility.
We expect that R/V Atlantis will return to the Atlantic in 2026, with a shipyard period in 2026 followed by Alvin overhaul in 2027. Between maintenance periods and overhaul, we anticipate that R/V Atlantis and Alvin will be available for cruises in the Gulf of Mexico, Caribbean, and Atlantic in 2026 and 2027.
The DeSSC Community meeting and the New User Program are scheduled for February 11-13, 2025 at WHOI. A zoom option will be available for remote participation in the community meeting. Applications for the New User Program are open until December 6th. Watch for an email from UNOLS with more information on how to participate in the Community meeting! If you do not receive emails from UNOLS, please sign up here.
Best regards,
Anna Michel Chief Scientist for Deep Submergence Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Bright lights illuminate raindrops splattering across the back deck of R/V Atlantis. It’s just after 2:00 a.m., but the entire ROV team (and most of our science team) is awake and ready to go to work. Expedition Leader Akel Kevis-Stirling lifts a radio to his ear as the voice of Captain Derek Bergeron crackles through the speaker. Read the full account of the amazing adventure to the Axial Seamount.
Congratulations to Kaitlyn Beardshear who qualified as Alvin’s 46th pilot on Halloween!
mROV Press Release
WHOI and NDSF are excited to receive funding to build two midscale ROVs (mROVs). NDSF looks forward to adding one of the mROVs to the facility and making it available to the science community in 2026. See official WHOI Press Release.
No Sub for Submersibles, Ocean News & Technology, August 2024
Jason’s recent (RCA) Regional Cabled Array cruise onboard R/V Atlantis recorded a new record number of dives for the vehicle with 68 dives while at sea for 30 days where Jason cycled an amazing 40 tons of equipment to and from the seafloor. An amazing collaboration between the RCA and Jason teams!!
Alvin Ground School - In early September, the Alvin group held its first ever Ground School. The Ground School was organized and led by Danik Forsman, Alvin Training Coordinator. The Alvin operations group along with its shore side support group met for a one week program that covered all aspects of Alvin including a deep dive into all components of Alvin. Three science talks supplemented the engineering technical talks. The school was aimed at a deep technical dive into the submersible for the pilots in training. Training at sea will take place in the upcoming February engineering cruise.
Welcome New NDSF Team Members
Adam Ensminger, Engineer I, working with the Jason team
Scott Nietfeld, Engineer II, working with the Alvin team
Molly Pike, Engineer I, working with the Alvin team
Wren Sakai, Engineer I, working with the Alvin team
Shefali Singh, Engineer I, working with the NDSF Data group
NDSF 2024 Summer Interns
Zach Morris from William & Mary College in Williamsburg, VA is focusing on mechanical systems with the Alvin Group.
Norman Chung MATE intern from University of Hawaii, Manoa pursuing a masters in Ocean and Resources Engineering participated in the Sentry DiLorio cruise.
Alvin team celebrates Pride Month with an act of solidarity and inclusion. Ella Cedarholm, Engineering Assistant, waving flag in celebration of Pride month.
The National Deep Submergence Facility is sponsored by the National Science Foundation, the Office of Naval Research, and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.